Forwarding Calls to Receiving Numbers

Forwarding your tracking numbers to receiving numbers is the simplest way to route calls.  While there are additional options you can configure to customize this type of routing, it is typically a very straightforward call route to set up.

For more information about receiving numbers and adding them to your account, see the full article here.

For countries outside of the U.S. and Canada, the per-minute rate to dial receiving numbers can vary based, as some receiving numbers use more expensive rate centers. Once you have set up your routing, check the renewal date column of your tracking numbers page to see the per-minute rate for your calls based on this configuration.


TIP: When routing to receiving numbers, the first number to answer will receive the call, even if the call is just connecting to the voicemail of the receiving line.  Configure no-answer routing or consider using a queue to fine-tune routing behavior.


Routing to a Single Receiving Number

  1. Navigate to Numbers → Tracking Numbers and click edit next to the number you wish to route to a receiving number.
  2. Click or scroll to the Dial Routing section of the page.
  3. Use the drop-down menu to select Dial Receiving Numbers.
  4. Click + Add Receiving Number to add a new row to the list.
  5. Use the drop-down to select an existing receiving number in your account.  If the number you wish to route to isn't a receiving number in your account, you can enter it here to create a new one.
  6. Click Save Changes.



Routing to Multiple Receiving Numbers

If you want a tracking number to ring to several receiving numbers, you can continue adding receiving numbers to the list.  Routing to multiple receiving numbers can be a great way to ensure your calls are answered.  However, the options available with this setup are limited.  If you're interested in advanced settings and controlling every detail of routing to multiple numbers, you may wish to use a queue instead.

For best results when routing to multiple numbers, we recommend using simultaneous routing or a queue.

  1. Follow the steps above to start routing your tracking number to receiving numbers.
  2. Click + Add Receiving Number to continue adding receiving numbers to be dialed.
  3. Once all the receiving numbers you wish to dial have been added, select the method you want to use to dial these numbers.
    • Simultaneously (default) will dial all receiving numbers at the same time.  Selecting this option will allow you to configure no-answer routing.

      TIP: If you do not configure no-answer routing, the rules for each individual receiving number will apply.
    • Sequentially will work similarly to round robin but if the number selected is busy we will select the next number. 
    • Round robin will only dial to one receiving number at a time and will try to distribute calls evenly between receiving numbers.  For true round robin routing, you will need to use a queue instead.
    • Weighted round robin will load balance over each number if you have 2 numbers 1 with a weight of 4 and one with a weight of 2 and we have 6 calls, the first number will receive 4 calls and the next number will receive 2.
    • Least connected will only dial to one receiving number at a time, and will choose the receiving number that has had the fewest calls.
  4. If you have selected to dial receiving numbers simultaneously, you can now configure no-answer routing for this tracking number.  Use the "seconds to answer" field to specify how long you would like to ring to these tracking numbers before using the no-answer routing.
  5. Use the drop-down to choose what will happen when the receiving numbers are busy or fail to answer.  The following no-answer route options are available:
    • Hang up (default)
    • Voice Menu
    • Dial Number
    • Dial Queue
    • Smart Router
    • Dial Agent
  6. Use the "no answer route" drop-down to select the name of the specific routing feature you wish to route to when calls are not answered.
  7. Click Save Changes.



Testing Routing

If you have applied schedules to your routing, you can use the Test Dial Routing feature to verify that the correct receiving numbers will be dialed based on the current day of the week and hour of day.  This feature will only work for route you have saved; you cannot test routing before saving it to the tracking number.


Keep in mind if you have configured your agent profile to use the tracking number as your outbound caller ID.  And you have configured your agent profile to receive calls on your own phone number.  If you call from your own phone number to the tracking number you will here a prompt to either check voicemail or a prompt to make an outbound dial by pressing 1.

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