Managing Audio Files

If you prefer not to use the text-to-speech engine to play announcements on your calls you can upload or create your own recordings instead.  For any feature where this is an option you’ll see a Play Message field:


Upload a File

The upload cloud on the left side of the field can be used to upload an existing file from your computer. To upload a file:

  1. Click the cloud icon 768429.png to open the upload interface.
  2. In the pop-up that appears, click Choose File and select the file you want.
  3. Files must be under 7MB
  4. Supported formats: MP3, WAV, AIFF, GSM, and µ-law
  5. Select Upload Audio.

Create a Recording

If you don’t have an audio file you can create one by clicking the microphone icon.  You can use a headset or microphone with your computer.  To create a recording:

  1. Click the microphone icon 768436.png to open the recording interface.
  2. When the pop-up that appears you can select Record from Computer or Record from Phone to choose your recording method.
  3. For Record from Computer just make sure your microphone is ready to go then click Start Recording. Wait for the beep to start your message. Select Stop Recording when you’re finished.
  4. To Record from Phone, enter your phone number and select Call To Start Recording.  The system will call you so you can leave your message.  The system will save your recording (this process may take a few moments).
  5. Next you  are able to preview the file and choose whether you want to use this recording, or start again.
  6. Select → Use Audio to use apply this recording to the field.  You’ll see your new file in the Play Message field:



View Past Recordings

To access past recordings select the upload cloud 768429.png from any Play Message field in the account then click the Past Recordings tab.  Next, use any file to apply it to the current field or you can press the play button to preview the recording.

All the files you create or upload into CallTrackingMetrics can be accessed from the Past Recordings.


Rename or Download Files

You can change the name of a recording or download it from the system by clicking the down arrow in the account.



Copy Files to Another Account

If you create a recording in one account that you wish to use in another account go to → Manage Recordings

  • Copy the existing file somewhere else
  1. Select the upload cloud 768429.png from any Play Message field the account.
  2. Manage Recordings should appear
  3. All the recordings you have made or uploaded in the account.
  4. Search for the recordings you would like to copy and select the checkboxes.
  5. Next in the Select an Account drop-down menu in the upper right corner of the page and choose the account to copy the files to.
  6. Click Copy to Selected Account.
  7. The files will be moved to the account selected. To view the files and apply them in the new account, you’ll need to switch into that account. Once the account has been changed apply the appropriate file in the Play Message field.


Delete Files

If you want to clear out some old recordings from your account, this can be accomplished by going to →  Manage Recordings

  1. Select the upload cloud 768429.png from any Play Message field in your account.
  2. Manage Recordings should appear.
  3. This will take you to the recordings management page in your current account. All the recordings you have made or uploaded to the account will be listed here.
  4. Search for the recordings you wish to delete.
  5. The trash can icon on the far right side will allow you to remove recordings from your account.
  • Keep in mind that deleting recordings is permanent.  Deleted recordings cannot be recovered or restored.


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