Routing Tables

Routing Tables are a great alternative to smart routers to route calls to different endpoints when there are an abundance of tracking numbers involved. The table consists of one value or key to determine where to route a call. Unlike the smart router there is no extensive logic, only a one to one match between a value (key) and a route (queue, receiving number, agent, etc.). The value is a field within CTM and can be one of a variety of different fields such as a tracking number, custom field saved to the tracking number, city or state.

Watch our Routing Tables video walkthrough

To set up a routing table, go to Flows→Routing Tables

In the General Section:

  1.  Give the route a name and description to keep them organized.
  2. Choose a default route (where calls will go if a route is not defined in the table) from the Default Route drop-down.
  3. Save changes.

In the Mapping Section:

  1. Select the field from the drop-down that will become the key that determines where the calls will be routed. 
  2. Click Add Route.
  3. Enter your field value (key) in the Field Value box.
  4. Select where the call should be delivered if the call has the above value from the Route To drop-down.
  5. Click Save and Close if that is the only route that is being added, or click Save and Add Another to continue adding additional routes.

Example: Routing using a tracking number custom field.



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