Google Ads Direct Connect Integration

Our Google Ads user interface helps simplify the process of mapping and sending conversions from your CTM account to your Google Ads account.  This integration allows you to track conversions directly into Google Ads for any activity with a gclid, gbraid, or wbraid.  This includes our direct integration with the Google Ads Call Analytics feature.

Note: This integration will now automatically send Google Enhanced Conversion for leads, provided your Google Ads account is configured to receive these conversions.

  1. In your Google Ads account, click the Goals icon.
  2. Click the Conversions drop down in the section menu.
  3. Click Settings.
  4. Expand the “Enhanced conversions for lead” panel.
  5. Check “Turn on enhanced conversions for lead”.
  6. Review compliance statement. To enable enhanced conversions, you must confirm that you'll comply with Google's policies and that the Google Ads Data Processing Terms apply to your use of enhanced conversions. Click Agree to acknowledge your acceptance of these terms.

We also have an indicator letting you know if your account is configured properly for Google Enhanced Conversions for Leads.

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  • You can apply one set of global lead or sales rules for all Customer Mappings created. This prevents duplicate work across multiple accounts (previously, you had to create a trigger in each account; now, you create one trigger, and it gets applied to multiple accounts).
  • You can also create sales and lead conversion actions right from CTM
  • Specify the attribution model you wish to use when sending the data. At this time, CTM can distribute.
  • Support for gbraid and wbraid for mobile iOS users.
  • Call Extensions via Google Ads Call Analytics (see settings of your Google Ads account to activate)
  • Upload / Fire conversions automatically into Google Ads Conversion Trackers.
  • Google will only accept conversions with a Click ID (GCLID, GBRAID, or WBRAID). 
  • We recommend using either Lead/Sales Rules or Triggers, but not both.  

To connect:

Click Sign in with Google (Google user role must be an Administrator)

  • Select the Google account
  • Next, click Allow

Note: For white-labeled accounts, please use the domain to connect to this integration.


1. Manager Account:

First, you’ll want to select a Google User account from the drop-down menu or click on Link Google User to add another user to the account.

2. Google Ads Customer Mapping:

Next, you select your CTM account to send data from, your Google Ads account, and the conversion action(s) where the data will be sent for Leads or Sales. You’ll want to create a link for each account. For each account linked (or mapped), you’ll have the option below to set lead or sale rules for when to send the data to Google.

Getting started:

  • Click Link Google Ad Account (a slider page will appear)

3. Map Accounts

  • Select your CTM Account to send data from
  • Select your Google Ads Account to send data to

4. Conversion Tracking

Here, you can select an existing Conversion action from the drop-down or create a new one.

  • Select from an existing Lead and/or Sale Conversion Action in the drop-down
  • Then click Save Changes


Use the below steps to create a new Conversion action

  • Click the Add button to create a new Conversion Action 
  • Apply a name (different from the default provided in the name field)
  • Select a category from the drop-down
  • You may change the currency 
  • The default value is set to 1, however, you can apply any amount here. Google will not accept a value of 0.
  • Click Create (this will create a new lead or sale conversion in your Ads account)

You will then be able to select the new Lead or Sale Conversion Action from the drop-down menu.

Screenshot 2024-06-04 at 3.36.57 PM.png

Additional Conversion Actions  - These are optional if you want to automatically separate out online, call extension, and mobile ad conversions. Additional Conversion Actions can only be used if you are using Lead Rules in the integration rather than a trigger

  • Lead Conversion Action (Call Extensions) or Sale Conversion Action (Call Extensions) - Used for Call Extensions with no GCLID
  • Lead Conversion Action (Mobile - gbraid/wbraid) or Lead Conversion Action (Mobile - gbraid/wbraid) - Used for iOS mobile

Screenshot 2024-06-04 at 3.38.31 PM.png

Optionally, you can utilize the Legacy tracking setup instead of Global Lead or Sales rules. This allows you to select a phone conversion action and a trigger from your account (if one exists). This is for Growth, Connect, Marketing Pro, Sales Engage, and Enterprise plans only. Click here to see the instructions to create the trigger.

Select an Account Conversion Tracking Trigger—If the account being mapped has a trigger you wish to use for sending conversions, you may select this option instead of using the global lead or sales rules. To create a single account trigger, go to Flows > Triggers once you have linked your Google Ads account. 

Repeat the above steps until all of your accounts are mapped.

5. Setting Lead and/or Sale Rules

Once you have all of your accounts mapped (and you haven’t chosen to use individual triggers), you’ll want to set up Global Lead and/or Sale rules. These rules define when CTM will send conversions to Google Ads for all of your mapped accounts (in the table).

Please note:  You can send Lead conversions, Sale conversions, or both for all the mapped accounts. 

When using the Global Lead or Sales rules you can send conversions to both Google Ads and Microsoft Ads using the same set of rules. This greatly reduces the time it takes to get your accounts up and running. In addition, you can select which attribution model you would like to use when distributing conversions. 

  • Last Touch - The last touch point (ad click) would receive 100% of the credit for the sale.
  • First Touch - The first touch point (ad click) would receive 100% of the credit for the sale.
  • Linear - Each touch point (ad click) in the conversion path will receive equal credit for the sale.
  • Time Decay - The touch points (ad click) closest in time to the sale or conversion get most of the credit decaying over time.
  • Position Based - 40% credit is assigned to each of the first and last touchpoints (ad click), and the remaining 20% credit is distributed evenly to the middle (ad clicks).

You MUST select one of the ad platforms to send data to, if none are selected CTM will not send any data.

By default, CTM will send a Sale amount of 1 for each conversion sent, however, this can be adjusted. You can apply another number that works best for your business, or if your team is scoring calls in CTM, you can use the Conversion Amount token ({{sale.value}}) to import the exact amount of the sale.   

6. Summary Reports

In this section, you can add a user to actively monitor your landing pages and receive weekly insight reports.

7. Troubleshooting

If you are running into an issue with OAuth2 error after clicking the "Sign in with Google" button this is likely due to the domain you are using to connect to Google.   The primary domain is needed for most integrations when connecting with CallTrackingMetrics.

Please note -  The Conversion Logs link provides information on the agency level, whereas the Logs in the account mapping are specific to the account mapped in that row.

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