Running Smart Dialers

Existing smart dialers in your account can be viewed on the smart dialer overview page.  This page will list each dialer you have created, the dialer mode, the associated queue, dialer schedule, and status information for the dialer.

To learn how to create a dialer, click here.  In order for a dialer to run, you will need to add a list of contacts to be dialed.

Starting and Stopping a Dialer

Smart dialers will not run until they are manually activated.  After you have created a dialer and uploaded a list of contacts, you will see a Status listed at the top of the dialer settings page.

1) Edit your dialer by navigating to Flows → Smart Dialers and clicking edit next to the dialer you wish to run.

2) Click Start Dialer in the Status block at the top of the page.  Your dialer will now begin to run according to the rules you have set.

3) Once the dialer is running, the Stop Dialer option will appear.  Click this button to stop running the dialer when needed.


Dialer Overview and Reporting

The dialer overview page will display a list of all dialers, their current status, and statistics (such as number of pending dials, total dials, successful dials, and failed dials).

To access the overview, navigate to Flows → Smart Dialers.  From this page, you can edit any dialer your have, search your list of dialers, restore deleted dialers, create new dialers, or manage the contacts list for an existing dialer.  It also provides a snapshot view of the current status of each dialer and how it is performing.

Help-Auto-Dialer-Dialers-Overview-and-Stats.pngTo view detailed reporting for a single dialer:

1) Click edit next to the name of the dialer in the overview list.

2) In the Status block at the top of the settings page, click Dialer Reporting.

3) This reporting page will show a chart that displays pending dials, total dials, successful dials, and failed dials.  It will also data for available and dialed agents.

4) Below the chart, you will find a log of all attempted dials.  This log can be very helpful in troubleshooting issues with dialer behavior.

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