Adding and Managing Smart Dialer Contacts

Once your smart dialer has been created and saved, you may upload contacts to dial.  Click here to learn how to create a dialer before proceeding to upload contacts.

Uploading Numbers to Dial

Contacts can be added to the dialer by uploading a csv file or by manually adding a list of numbers.

1) After saving your dialer, navigate to the Dial Numbers List section at the bottom of the setup page.

2) Choose the country code for the numbers to be dialed. This will default to +1 (US and Canada).

3) To upload via csv, click Choose File and select the csv file containing your list of contacts. To manually add numbers, click Manual Add and paste or type a list of numbers into the empty field (one per line).

4) Click Save Changes.


Editing an Existing Contact List

You may edit your list of contacts to dial at any time.  It is recommended that you stop the dialer before making any changes, and resume after the contact list is saved.

1) Navigate to Flows → Smart Dialers.

2) This page will show an overview of your existing dialers. Click manage list in the Dial Numbers column for the dialer you need to update.  (You can also click edit next to the name of the dialer, then click Edit Current List… in the Status section on the dialer settings page.)

3) From the list of numbers, you may click Remove to remove a single contact from the list.  Or, click Remove All… on the right side of the toolbar to remove all contacts from the list.


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