Contact Lists

Contact lists allow you to create and maintain a list of contacts within your CallTrackingMetrics account.  Lists can be used to quickly add recipients for bulk text messaging and can be automatically updated using triggers.  When intelligently routing calls with a smart router, you can use lists to create unique routes for members of a specific list.

Contact lists are available on Sales Engage, Enterprise, Growth, and Connect plans. 


Creating Lists

  1. Navigate to Activities → Contacts → Lists.
  2. If you do not already have a list in your account click New Lists.
  3. Enter a name and optional description for the list.


  4. Click Save Changes.
  5. Use the drop-down menu to select the country code for the phone numbers you are importing
  6. To enter your contacts manually, click Manual Add, then type or paste the list of contacts into the field provided.
    • Each contact (phone number) must be on a separate line
    • Be sure to include the full number, including the country code, with no punctuation (ex: +15551234567)
  7. To upload a CSV file of contacts, click choose file, then select the CSV file you wish to upload.
  8. Once selected, the contents of the file will be displayed in the import interface.  Use the drop-down menu to specify which column of your spreadsheet contains the customer’s phone numbers
  9. If you wish to assign columns to other fields, such as first name and last name use the drop-down menus to indicate which columns should be matched to each field.

  10. Click Upload Contacts.

Modifying Lists

Once saved, lists can be modified manually (by removing individual contacts or by importing additional contacts) or automatically (using rules specified by a trigger).

To modify lists manually:

  1. Navigate to Activities → Lists
  2. Select the list you wish to modify
  3. Click the link in the Members column to go to that lists members
  4. To remove members from a list, click Remove next to the name of the contact
  5. To add members to a list, click Import in the upper right and repeat the import process


To modify lists with automation:

  1. Navigate to Flows →Automation → Triggers.
  2. If you do not already have a list in your account, you will be directed to a setup page.  Otherwise, click New Trigger
  3. Enter a name and optional description for the trigger
  4. Use the drop-down menu to select when you would like this trigger to run
  5. Select to have the trigger run for all activities or assign specific traffic numbers to this trigger
  6. Click +Add Workflow
  7. Select the rules that should apply to this trigger
  8. Click Add Action
    • If this rule should add users to a list, select Add Contact to List
    • If this rule should remove users from a list, select Remove Contact from the List



  1. Use the drop-down menu to select the list you would like to modify
  2. Click Save Changes

Routing Calls with Lists

Lists can be used within smart routers to create specific call routes for any caller who is a member of that list.  For more information about smart routers, see the full article here

  1. Navigate to Flows → Smart Routers.  If you do not have a smart router in your account you will want to click New Smart Router
  2. Enter a name and optional description for the router
  3. Click + Add Route
  4. In the conditions section (“If all of the following rules match”), use the first drop-down menu to select Contact


  1. Use the third drop-down menu to select the name of the contact list you would like to use
  2. By default, the second drop-down menu is set to “is within,” which means the route you are building will look for a caller that is a member of a selected list.  To build a route for a caller that is not in the list, change this option to “is not within”


  1. Use the actions section (“Then perform the following actions”) to create the route that will be followed for these callers.  You can click Add Action to create more complicated routes, or click + Add Route to continue adding rules for members of other lists in your account
  2. Click Save Changes
  3. In the exceptions section (“If none of the above routes are taken”), use the drop-down menus to specify what will happen for callers who do not match the conditions you created above.  By default, this is set to hang up
  4. Click Save Changes
  5. In the Tracking Numbers section, choose which tracking numbers in your account will route directly to this router
    • Note that there are various ways to direct calls to a smart router, so this option is not mandatory.  However, if you wish to route calls through these rules before anything else (such as a voice menu), you can set that routing here.
  6. Click Save


Bulk Texting with Lists

Lists can be used to quickly add recipients to bulk text messages.  To learn more about bulk texting, see the full article here

  1. Navigate to Activities → Bulk Message Log, then click New Bulk Message
  2. Enter an optional description and the message you would like to send
  3. In the recipients' section, select Use Existing List, then use the drop-down that appears to select the name of the list you’d like to send the message to


  1. Select the text-enabled tracking numbers you’d like to use to distribute the message.  To learn more about enabling numbers for texting, click here
  2. Choose when you would like to send your text
  3. When your text settings are configured, click Schedule Bulk Message
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