The premium chat translation service allows you to translate chat messages into different languages seamlessly. If someone is trying to chat with you in a language different than yours, the chat translations application will automatically translate the language for you so you can quickly and easily read the message and respond. When you respond back to the person in your native language, it will translate it back to the person in their native language. This feature is available as a paid add-on for new or existing chat licenses.
How to Add the Translations Feature in Live Chat
If you do not own any chat licenses:
- In order to use translations in live chat, you must first add user chat licenses to your account, which you can do by going to Account → Select → User Licenses → Buy License.
- Click the Premium Feature icon if you would like to add translations.
- Select the number of users you would like to add chat licenses for. Note: if you have selected the Premium Feature icon, that means the feature will be added to each license you purchase and the price will adjust accordingly.
- Click Confirm Purchase.
- A popup window will appear where you can click Purchase License.
- Once the user purchases the license, the number of chat licenses will be seen on the screen.
- Next, assign the chat license to a user using the drop-down menu.
If you already own chat licenses:
- Existing chat subscribers can add the translation feature to their current user licenses by going to Account → Select → User Licenses.
- Under the existing chat subscription(s), choose the Premium Feature icon.
- Next, there will be a popup window confirming the purchase of the subscription with a prorated price (since the feature is charged on a monthly basis).
- Click Confirm Purchase.
- Next, assign a user that you would like to associate with the translations.
User Profile Default Language
In your User Settings, make sure your users have their default, preferred language properly configured. The default is automatically set to English, but you can update to your agent’s native language as needed by going to User Settings → Language → Default and selecting your language preference.
Once Chat Translations have been enabled
Once enabled, the chat application will start language detection at the beginning of every chat for messages that needs translation based on your CTM user settings. This process should be automatic, however on occasion, you may need to translate it manually using the drop-down menu on the chat toolbar, which you can do by going to Select → Translate.
Inbound Messages
Foreign messages will automatically be translated into the agent’s native language with the ability to toggle between the original and translated message on the chat message in the chat application.
Ex. Spanish (Client) → English (Agent)
“¿Me puedes ayudar?” (original) → “Can you help me?” (translated)
Outbound Messages
Agents sending messages will automatically have their native language text translated into the foreign language of the user. The translated text will then be appended to the original message written to be sent.
Ex. English (Agent) → Spanish (Client)
“All magic comes with a price. Toda magia tiene un precio. (traducido)”
In the text box, you’re able to reply back in English which will be translated back to Spanish.
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