Account whisper message - A message that will be played before source announcement to provide an account wide message to all incoming calls.
Source announcement whisper - Announce to the receiving party the source of the incoming call before the calling party is connected.
The default is to announce the source as it is named for each tracking number. This can be customized per tracking number.
Source announcement whispers can interfere with IVR and voicemail systems on your receiving line.
For example, if the call goes to voicemail, the voicemail greeting on the receiving number will play its prompt. While that message is playing to the caller, our source announcement whisper is also playing to announce the source of the call to the receiver, causing the audio playback to overlap. The effect is you'll have some calls where the caller hears nothing or hears just the end of your voicemail greeting.
We have three options to work around this issue on the call settings, as it's highly dependent on the receiving number.
- Announcement whisper hours: use this if you have fixed operating hours and calls will automatically go to voicemail during off hours.
- Announcement whisper timing: this is usually the best option, use this to cancel the whisper when the call rings for more than a given amount of time.
- Announcement whisper max callers: use this if you have a limit on the number of callers who can be connected to the receiving line at the same time.
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