Using Message Responses for Text Messages

Message Responses are a great way to provide agents with pre-written responses for text messages. This feature helps reduce the amount of time it takes an agent to answer a text message. 


Setting up a Message Response

  1. Go to the profile of the person who will be using the response(s)
  2. In the left menu, click Message Responses, this will take you to the correct section
  3. Then, select Add Message Response
  4. You may add a shortcut name, this is optional
  5. In the next box, type your message
  6. Then, click Save Changes

*Repeat steps 3 through 6 until you have created the desired amount of responses.


Using Message Responses

  1. In the message field there are several icons, click on the + sign
  2. Next, a box will appear with each pre-written response to choose from
  3. Select your message
  4. To send the message, click the arrow in the far right corner of the text field


Note: Message Responses can be used to respond to an existing message or when creating a new text message.

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