Symplify Integration

The Symplify integration is available on Sales Engage, Enterprise, Growth, and Connect plans.

Symplify Instructions: 

  1. Enter the numeric value of the project ID found in the settings of the A/B Test.  A generic goal named (CTM) should be created if it doesn’t already exist.  Activities will then be sent as conversions into the goal that is created under the project ID.
  2. View CTM goal in statistics reporting by clicking on the A/B project and selecting ‘View Results’ or at{{project_id}}.

CTM Instructions:

  1. To send updates to Symplify, the Symplify conversion settings switch must be on, and a trigger action must be built. User credentials are also necessary in order to send data to Symplify using Basic Authentication.
  2. Go to the Simplify integrations page and turn the ‘Send conversion events’ switch to ON.
    1. Integrations > Symplify > ON.



      3. Go to triggers to build the Symplify action. You will need the Project ID of the A/B test.

  • Find the Project ID in Symplify


  • Provide Project ID in the trigger action


     4. View  CTM Goal in Statistics Reporting in Symplify


  • ym_4.png


  • sym_5.png

CTM Tips:

  1. Activity listed with Symplify session data will be recorded in the Activity Log.


    2.  View API Requests in the API Logs


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