Billing Notifications

Billing notifications are sent to designated users in CallTrackingMetrics. Depending on your plan type and where payment is coming from (Agency billing or Customer billing) Agency Administrators, Agency Billing Managers, or Administrators can receive these notifications.

Note: For accounts on customer billing, Agency Administrators and Agency Billing Managers can opt out of billing notifications, but Administrators cannot opt out. 

To view who is currently set to receive notifications in your account, navigate to Settings > Billing Settings > Billing Recipients

To add or remove which users receive notifications, navigate to Settings > Manage Users > Edit (next to the user) > Assign Roles > Add Role



Next, determine if the user should receive billing notifications.



Then, click Save Changes

User roles that can receive Billing Notifications:

  • Agency accounts (Marketing Pro, Sales Engage, Enterprise, Growth, and Connect) on agency billing: Agency Administrators or Agency Billing Manager, unless they are set not to receive notifications.
  • Agency accounts (Marketing Pro, Sales Engage, Enterprise, Growth, and Connect) on customer billing:
    Agency Administrator, Administrator, Agency Billing Manager, and Billing Manager, unless they are set not to receive notifications.
  • Performance and Marketing Lite accounts: Account Administrators and Billing Manager unless they are set not to receive notifications.


For additional information please visit the user roles article. 

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