View Canceled Accounts

After you cancel an account, you can still view all of the past data for that account and reactivate the account for up to 60 days.  If beyond 60 days you would need to sign-up for a new account.  

Viewing Cancelled Accounts

1) Navigate to Settings → Parent/Agency → Accounts.  This page will display a list of all accounts for which you have access.

2) Click the filter button (indicated by a funnel icon) at the top left of the page.



3) Select Canceled to view all canceled accounts, or select All to view canceled accounts alongside your other accounts.

Agency Dashboard

To review agency dashboard data for canceled accounts:

1) Navigate to Reports → Agency Dashboard.

2) In the upper right corner of the window, choose canceled from the drop-down menu.


Reactivating an Account

1) From the accounts list, click edit next to the account you wish to reactivate.

2) Navigate to Settings → Account Settings.

3) Click or scroll to the Status section of the page and click Reactivate Account.

Click here to learn more about canceling an account. 

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