Team Settings

Teams are common settings that can be enabled for groups of users in your account. Phone settings configurations can be used to allow for custom wrap-up panels and define how the softphone behaves for each agent.

Team Settings are available on Sales Engage, Enterprise, and Connect Plans.

Creating a Phone Settings Configuration

1) Navigate to Settings → Team Settings.

2) Click New Settings on the right side of the toolbar.

3) Enter a name for this phone settings configuration.

4) If agents assigned to this configuration need to be able to access the list of contacts in your account, check the box labeled "Allow agents to access contact list."


5) In the Answering Calls section, choose whether to allow agents to ignore calls (using the ignore button).

6) Click answer on notification click to allow agents to answer calls by clicking on a desktop notification.

7) Click auto-answer

incoming to auto-answer calls for agents that are in accept calls mode.

8) Logout All allows agents to simultaneously log out of all available queues. 

9) Answer Lock will only allow the agent who is connected with the caller to be presented with the contact details on answer. 

10) Use the Desktop Notifications section to customize the on-screen pop-up that displays for incoming calls. You can customize the notification title, body, and duration (how long it will stay on the screen before automatically disappearing).

11) Use the Auto-load Panel drop-down to select which call detail panel will appear by default when a call is answered. Choose from the following options:

  • Default panel (will display the contact panel if no call script is configured)
  • Contact panel
  • Call Scoring panel
  • Salesforce panel (if the Salesforce integration is enabled)


12) In the Making Calls section, you can assign a Contact List as a Custom Do Not Call List, preventing this Team from making outbound calls to the people on this list. You can also enable Best Match and Outbound Campaigns.

  1. Click the Enable Best Match checkbox. 

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To limit the number of Tracking Numbers used in Best Match, you can create an Outbound Campaign in your Team Settings

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13) An Outbound Lambda can be added to modify the outbound caller phone number and tracking number selection, play a whisper to the agent before dialing, or prevent the agent from dialing. 


14) In the Phone Buttons section, you can show or hide actions in the softphone. By default, the Transfer, add, Party, and Call Scoring buttons are enabled. Uncheck the boxes to remove any options you wish to hide from the softphone.

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15) Manage Quick Links allows you to select the Calls and Texts quick links by selecting saved filters and overriding the labels for the two quick links included in the Desk Mode interface. 



16) In the Phone Settings section, you can customize which softphone features are enabled for agents. Uncheck the boxes to turn off any of the following features:

  • Allow agents to customize their phone settings (edit this phone settings configuration)
  • Allow offline browser phone
  • Allow receiving phone number
  • Allow voicemail
  • Allow voicemail transcription
  • Show Active/Suggested Contacts
  • Allow agents to access contact list
  • Show 'Team View' in main menu
  • WebRTC settings


17) Click to enable Hold & Transfer if you wish for transferred calls to be taken over by the receiving agent. Leaving this off will require the initial agent to remain on the call for the call to stay active.


18) In the Missed Call section, choose what you would like to happen for agents who miss a call. By default, the agent will be left in accept calls mode. Use the drop-down menu to change this to Stop Accepting if you prefer to remove agents who miss calls from accept calls mode.Help-Teams-Missed-Call.png

19) The Wrap-up Panel section allows you to direct agents to a custom panel after a call has ended. If you have created a custom panel, use the Wrap-up custom panel drop-down to select the custom panel to use for post-call. By default, Wrap-up for Inbound will be set to use Outbound Wrap-up panel settings. You can uncheck the box to change the settings. 

20) Use the After wrap-up drop-down to determine whether the agent will be automatically returned to accept calls mode after completing wrap-up. By default, the agent will be set back to accepting calls. Use the drop-down menu to change this to Available, Not Available, or  Previous State. Note that Previous State will only put the agent in Available or Not Available rather than a custom status. 

21) Click Save Changes.



22) Click Edit Assigned Agents to select which agents will use this phone settings configuration. Each agent can only be assigned to one phone settings configuration.

23) Click Save Changes.

24) The Dial Directory will ask the caller to say the name of the agent they want to speak to:

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  • It will match the names to users who are assigned as members of the team
  • Dial Directory can be set as a routing object from the tracking number under call routing
  • Dial Directory can also be set as a routing object from voice menus

25) Click Save Changes.

26) In the Message Responses section, you can set up pre-written responses to chats and texts.

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27) Click Save Changes.


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