Add an extra layer of security to your account(s) using our authorized email domain feature. This is a great way to restrict user account access based on email domains. Agency-wide restrictions can be implemented for Agency Administrator roles or restrictions can be added for users within each sub-account.
To implement this feature you MUST have the role of Agency Administrator.
Authorized User Domains:
This feature applies to the current sub-account, restricting access for all user roles, except Agency Administrator. You may add restrictions for Agency Administrators by going to Settings > Parent Settings > Authorized Agency Administrator Domains and adding the respective domain.
To get started:
- Click on the Send me a Code button (this sends a verification code to the email address on file for your user account).
- Retrieve the verification code from your email and apply it to the Confirmation Code field
- Click the Confirm button
- Here is where you will enter the restricted email domains (with the below in mind)
- Only users with an email belonging to the authorized domains listed below can access this agency and its sub-accounts.
- Please enter each domain on its separate line or separate by a comma and do not include the @ symbol.
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