Release Notes April 2023

AskAI - Text Messages

New AskAI text message action within triggers that allows you to create a custom prompt that will reply to text messages.


Price Markup

Markups on pricing is now available for AskAI questions.



Updated account selector that allows the use of a GA4 account name or number. 


Call Flow

When answering calls using the mobile app, the call flow in the Activity Log will now include if the call was answered with iOS or Android device along with other details


2 Factor Authentication (2FA)

Several updates to the 2FA feature (1) Added column to the Manage Users page indicating if multi-factor is authorized, and (2) on the profile page, provide additional information on which method of 2FA the user has enabled.


CTM Receipts

Updated several CTM receipts to include additional details surrounding the charge.

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