Porting Numbers Away from CallTrackingMetrics

To port a number away from CallTrackingMetrics, initiate a port-in request with the new carrier or service provider to which the number will be moved.  The new carrier or service provider will guide you through their process, and we will receive notification of the intention to move numbers to them. CTM does not charge fees related to releasing numbers for porting.

Requests for PIN/CSR (Customer Service Record) information must originate from an Agency Administrator for agency-level plans or an Administrator of a standalone plan. 

To obtain CSR/PIN information, submit a ticket with the following information:

  • Your email address
  • Subject:  CSR Information Request
  • Description: A list of numbers and related CTM sub-accounts. This may be presented in an attachment.

Requesting PIN/CSR information for the tracking numbers will release them to be ported to a carrier or service provider other than CallTrackingMetrics. We require this approval before requesting the PIN/CSR information. A port away cannot be canceled or reversed once the process is underway.

To ensure an uninterrupted port to a carrier or service provider other than CallTrackingMetrics, the tracking numbers must remain active in the CallTrackingMetrics account until final confirmation from the new carrier or service provider of the completion of the port away process is confirmed.  Upon receipt of this confirmation, it is safe to release the tracking numbers from the CallTrackingMetrics account to avoid additional charges. If the agency or account is no longer needed, please follow these instructions to cancel the account at this time.

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