ABTasty Instructions:
- For ABTasty to receive hits from CTM an A/B Test must already exist before sending hits. The words Campaign, Experiment, and Test are synonymous with one another. A goal does not need to be created specifically for CTM to send hits. However, data will not show up in reporting unless there are goals.
- Hits sent from CTM can be found in the Data Explorer reporting with Event Action listed as the dimension, and Hits listed as the metric.
Note: Data Explorer is not always available depending on your pack, please contact ABTasty support for access.- Insights > Data Explorer
- Dimension: Event Action, Metric: Hits
CTM Instructions:
- To send hits to ABTasty, the ABTasty conversion settings switch must be on and a trigger action must be built.
- Go to ABTasty integrations page and turn ‘Send conversion events’ switch to ON.
- Integrations > ABTasty > ON
2. Next go to integration settings
3. Go to triggers to build the ABTasty action. You will need the Test ID and an Event Action Name. The Event Action Name will become the dimension the hit is categorized under.
a. Find the Test ID in ABTasty
b. Provide Test ID and an Event Action Name in Trigger
c. Hits will be recorded in Data Explorer under the Event Action Name in ABTasty
CTM Tips:
- Activity listed with ABTasty session data will be recorded in the Activity Log
2. View API Requests in the API Logs https://app.calltrackingmetrics.com/api_logs
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