Google Looker Connectors
This integration permits Google Looker to access data from your CTM account. Connecting with Google Looker allows you to build and share custom reports. This integration is available on Marketing Pro, Sales Engage, Enterprise, Performance, Growth, and Connect plans.
CTM offers two different types of connectors to determine what you can do with that information in Looker.
- Activity Report Connector is a setup connector that allows you to build Google Looker reports using dimensions with your existing Activity Reports in CTM. This connector also allows the transfer of information from the Activity Reports page into Data Studio.
- Call Log Connector – provides advanced reports using the data from your call log. The call log fields reflect the API names which can be updated in the reports. All the call log data is unaggregated and it’s recommended to build your report templates using a small date range to ensure call data loads quickly.
For help with using Google Looker’s interface to build reports, please refer to Google’s support resources.
Activity Reports Connector
The Activity Reports Connector is a tool to import your reports into Google Looker. For example, the default view shows calls for the last 30 days broken down by tracking source. The Activity report data will be duplicated in the Google Looker. The Activity Reports Connector is one dimension by: Agent, day of the week, tags, and you are able to apply filters to narrow down which calls are included in the report. Each connector you create is a different Activity Report view. Data imported using the Activity Reports Connector will be pre-aggregated by CTM before it is sent to Google.
Connector Setup
- Navigate to Activity Reports (Reports → Activity Reports).
- Choose the dimension to apply saved filters.
- Important note: only saved filters can be used with the Google Looker connector. To save a filter select the filter options and → Save. You’ll be prompted to name the filter and Save Filter to confirm.
- To export the saved filter select the Export drop-down in the right-hand corner for Google Looker.
- A pop-up window will appear showing a list of saved filters that can be applied to the connector in Google Looker. Select your filter and choose Connect.
- Next, you will be directed to Google Looker. If this is the first time you have used a CTM Data Studio Connector the system will prompt you to grant permission for Google to access data from your CTM account.
- Enter the Basic Authentication Token for the account. On the Google Looker settings page, select API Integration to display the authentication token. Copy and paste the Token into the field in Google Looker.
- A Google Looker tab will open for the dimension and filter.
- Next, name the Connector.
- At the top of the page, you will see “Untitled Data Source.” Rename the connector.
- In the Account Credentials section, enter your account ID.
- For templates, go to → Templates and select the one you would like to include.
Call Log Connector
The Call Log Connector allows you to build advanced reports using data from the call log. Nearly all fields in the logs are available to be used as a Dimension. The fields imported into Google Looker are named using the API labels. Labels can be changed in the reports that are built. It is recommended to build your report template using a small date range to ensure call data loads quickly. Note: call log data is unaggregated when sent to Google which means aggregation will be done by Google Looker.
Connector Setup
Navigate to Settings → Integrations → Google Looker.
- If you wish to include a saved Activity filter in your connector begin the setup from the Manage Filters page. Next, locate the saved filter you wish to use and select Call Log in the Data Studio column.
- To save a filter, open the Filters panel in the call log.
- Select the filters → Save Filter.
- You’ll be prompted to name the filter to Save. (If you are using this option, skip step 2 and proceed to step 3)
- If you wish to include a saved Activity filter in your connector begin the setup from the Manage Filters page. Next, locate the saved filter you wish to use and select Call Log in the Data Studio column.
In the Community Connectors section select the Call Log Connector.
Once selected you will be directed to Google Looker. For first-time users of Google Looker Connector, you will be asked to grant permission for Google to access data from your CTM account.
Enter the Basic Authentication Token for your account. On the Google Looker settings page, select API Integration to show the authentication token. Copy and paste the Token into the field in Google Looker and select Continue.
- If you wish to view data from all of your sub-accounts in the same connector make sure to use the agency’s authentication token. This token can be found on the Parent/Agency Settings page.
Next, give the connector a name. At the top of the page, under Untitled Data Source, rename the connector (Use the name of the account or the name of the report you are building).
In the Account Credentials section, enter your account ID. Your CallTrackingMetrics account ID can be found in your Settings menu.
- If you set up the connector using your agency’s authentication token then use any account ID within that agency, and check the box labeled Agency Token.
For templates, go to → Templates and select the one you would like to include.
Select → Connect.
The next page will show details of the connector you’ve created. Go to → Create Report to start a new report with this connector.
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