Assign Members to your Team Settings to choose the users whose softphone should access these settings. To do this:
- Navigate to Settings > Team Settings > Members.
- Click on the Edit Assigned Members button.
- Click on Agent names in the Available Agents column to move them to the Assigned Agents column.
- Click Save Changes.
- Choose an Access Control Group if needed.
- Click Save Changes again.
NOTE: Agents can only be a member of 1 team. If you add a member to this team and are currently in another team, they will be removed from the other team and added to it.
Assign Managers to your Team Settings to choose the users who have access to monitor agents' phone calls.
To do this:
- Navigate to Settings > Team Settings > Managers.
- Click on the Edit Assigned Managers button.
- Click on Agent names in the Available Managers column to move them to the Assigned Managers column.
- Click Save Changes.
- Choose an Access Control Group if needed.
- Click Save Changes again.
- Click the Edit Assigned Queues button to allow non-administrator team managers to access agent assignment within the assigned queues.
Note: To Limit managers to only activities from their team members, click the Limit Access to Activities & Users checkbox. Additionally, managers and members cannot see other users in the account.
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